From around the world, many come to offer gratitude to White Buffalo Calf Woman, their Twin Deer Mother. This blog acknowledges those who rise up to be who they are, the eternal soul of knowing. Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy have awaken!

"Jump and Spin Around"
Hundreds of Kids Requested this Sacred Song Blessing for the World, Enjoy!

Whitebuffalocalfwoman Twindeermother Just singing in the wind, just singing in the wind, what a wonderful feeling, I'm grinning again, I'm happy to bee hear, to listen to your fears, then dancing and singing will relieve our tears. Come let's sing in the wind. Feel merry again, it's a heart, that looks out for the wondrous things. Because you are here, feeling no more fear, as you send your song to the wind. Just singing, in the wind!

Gratitude For Always When We Bow To The Wind, Rainbow Colors Shine, "I Am"

I bless White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David (Running Eagle Shooting Star) for this place to connect in sacredness (Hoops). These are critical times. Bless our Journey. Bless our every foot step and path. May we be protected always. May we be guided now and trust to wisdom and in our own inner rainbow jewel Light. May we hold the torch up high together and light the jagged rocky path below for others to climb high. Bless our dreaming together!
Rainbow Blessings, Miranda aqua child

in Norway says,
"In only one Night and one Day, You have given me more Love and Warmth than I have received in a very long time... You speak Truth and Walk the sacred pathways, and for the first time I feel that Home is possible! I am breath-taken and a bit out of words."

Charlene (Princess of Dawning) wrote: "
Dearest White Buffalo Calf Woman,
First off, I just want to say WOW! to you. :) You amaze me with all that you do! For real. :) I don't know how you keep up, but I would like to tell you that I could listen to your interpretations all day! I love them. Just like our beautiful conversation over the phone. You just make things so much clearer.
I am very excited and looking forward to the (rainbow video. :)
Did you know that until this conversation I didn't understand that the heart songs (sacred song blessings) you sing are words from the other person's heart! At first I thought they were songs from your heart only to the person you gifted them to. How wonderful (you sing their heart).
Thank You for your time.
With All My Love
and Blessings,
Charlene, violet child, Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy"

At 10:31pm on October 5, 2009, Aimee Constant Looking Glass said White Buffalo Woman is a fierce and gentle guide. If you cannot handle your illusions being shattered then walk away! She works with a stick that will turn you back to your inner stealth! She is beauty embodied! I encourage every one who comes through these doors to stay on and be willing to see your reflection. If you do you will walk through the higher door of self-reliance and true trust in those that will love you! Be Blessed and Bless your self by continuing by placing one foot in front of the other and standing strong! Love Blossoms Here! Aho!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Interprets
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Eagle Childe Thanks White Buffalo Calf Woman for Singing

Time to start wearing lead lined helmuts. God now I understand the tinfoil hat craze.. having experienced my own issues from multiple levels of gangstalking etc. I know it's no joke but just have to say that fear is powerful fear being but an absence of love like the dark is but an absence of light. That being said pure light pure light pure light exists 2% at the heart of 98% dark matter that is what science proved and we are pure light and must dig deep and deeper and not let the fear settle because it is an incredibly powerful fuel for manifesting and we will but perpetuate our own doom gloom and Demise and these stalkers and their tactics will be all that we see until it drives us utterly mad- maniacal and this is what they want.. fear is chaos and out of chaos comes their order, the justifications for it anyway.. the Lord gave us free will laughs and revels in our chaos loves us unconditionally knowing all things lean towards the sun but man has put himself higher than God and seeks to control that which has been deemed defunct and defective and it is in our perceived defects they will justify the experiments justify their means to control us.. we must dig deep and deeper and tear apart space and time by allowing the threads of our souls to widdle and weave pure love through faith and trust in the greater good through faith and trust in the highest power in our highest paths that all is as it is meant and there is a divine plan and all is unfolding and has already unfolded in time and space. We are loved so infinitely loved by the universe spiralling perpetual paths ascending to our destinies in love and light ease glory and grace breathes that being said I've had a hellride for some time seeking to destroy me and I really can't elaborate but i just can and will say.. hang on brothers and sisters in the darkest of darkest of scariest love lacking darks remember you are at least in the very least a single match capable of illuminating an entire cave.. powerful beyond measure so let go of the fears and move in the way of love because it is the highest vibrational frequency known to this universe and it is infinite so capable of growing beyond measure and it starts with a single strike of the flint as a mustard seed of faith.. together we are one we are passionateflame-throwers movers and shakers and we will do it together in faith in trust in hope in peace in love in light ease glory and grace through any war they want to wage we will bring it we are bringing it. All hail the golden age of restoration and balance White Buffalo Calf Woman sings for us as the one to usher a new dawn in the ages of man a new age in the procession of equinoxes. The procession of the saints has begun and we are the ones we have been waiting for, for the next 7 generations we work to weave our hopes and dreams like cosmic orbweavers we manifest love manifest destiny ❤️

21st Century Mind Control Programs - Remote Neural Monitoring Final

Gratitude fills our hearts with joy every day, bringing us sustenance to go out and play. To bee (impossible flight of a dream) good children who know our way. Glory for another brand new day. Joy has arisen to fill our hearts again, the gratitude of the wind. The sky that holds us so close to the air, where God does blow in the winds. Let us walk into green grass fields, where the sun rises to tarry along, to offer us the night sky, to bellow the song to the stars. Here we know where we belong, where the "Cloud People" show us the way!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Sister Carrin Behr Gifts Thanks for Living In Harmony, in a time of Stacked Red Blood Cells

Carrin Behr There is so much to learn from you (WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman TwinDeerMother), you are at one with nature and with The Creator....your work is of immense importance on planet earth right now, you are connecting to all sources in love and interconnectedness and in doing so you are bringing ancient knowledge back to a people who have been side tracked for too long, I honour your presence on earth and your contribution to all that is alive on planet earth, you and others have come at the right time to teach us how to live in harmony!

Lakota Instructions for Living

Friend do it this way – that is,
whatever you do in life,
do the very best you can
with both your heart and mind.

And if you do it that way,
the Power Of The Universe
will come to your assistance,
if your heart and mind are in Unity.

When one sits in the Hoop Of The People,
one must be responsible because
All of Creation is related.
And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.
And the honor of one is the honor of all.
And whatever we do effects everything in the universe.

If you do it that way – that is,
if you truly join your heart and mind
as One – whatever you ask for,
that’s the Way It’s Going To Be.

passed down from ~ White Buffalo Calf Woman

I believe we are now seeing Women Wisdom at this time throughout the World. We are now seeing Women Wisdom at this time throughout the World.

Magnus Olsson live blood.jpg
Marika Bandera shared a link.
This is Magnus Olsson live blood cells test, shows how damaged they are from microwave radiation.

THE Reality of Magnus Olsson’s blood – doctor’s report During my staying in Poland, in Lublin I met a specialist Dr, who took a sample of my blood from my finger and we watched th…
Sipho Misheck I am a victim of this also need jelp

White Buffalo Calf Woman hyssop tea, this means Relatives, buy dried hyssop, very inexpensive. 1 heaping tablespon to boiling water, steep for 8 minutes. Drink daily. This makes all of the red blood cells turn back round. Just to tell everyone, the manual is coming along. Thank you for your help. Love and blessings, Twin Deer Mother, alightfromwithin.orgManage


White Buffalo Calf Woman Relatives additional notation: cells clump due to metal toxicity rather than electromagnetic or electronic toxicity. Getting rid of metals is a detoxification regiment and many use DSMA, which is on the market and is easy on the body to use daily. After long use of DSMA, one can reduce and help maintain with Thorne Biomins which have citrated calcium along with uptake with needed components. This also assists with the electromagnetic depletion of energy and gifts a daily energy boost. Twin Deer Mother

White Buffalo Calf Woman Brother Magnus Thorwald Olsson, have added you to this circle in order for you to get help with your RED BLOOD CELLS. Please read comments for the cures. Love and blessings. Your devoted Sister, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder at whitebuffalocalfwoman.orgManage


Carrin Behr There is so much to learn from you, you are at one with nature and with The Creator....your work is of immense importance on planet earth right now, you are connecting to all sources in love and interconnectedness and in doing so you are bringing ancient knowledge back to a people who have been side tracked for too long, I honour your presence on earth and your contribution to all that is alive on planet earth, you and others have come at the right time to teach us how to live in harmony!

Gratitude fills our hearts with joy every day, bringing us sustenance to go out and play. To bee (impossible flight of a dream) good children who know our way. Glory for another brand new day. Joy has arisen to fill our hearts again, the gratitude of the wind. The sky that holds us so close to the air, where God does blow in the winds. Let us walk into green grass fields, where the sun rises to tarry along, to offer us the night sky, to bellow the song to the stars. Here we know where we belong, where the "Cloud People" show us the way! White Buffalo calf Woman sings

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